Learn Basics of Islam, Namaz, Qalamas etc

This Course is designed to know more about Islamic, Pillar of Islam. History of Islam, foundation of Islam. How Islam seperated in the world. This Course is bascially an Introduction of Islam and Muslims.

The Five Pillars Of Islam

Islam has five pillars. These pillars are the rocks of Islam, forming the foundation of a believer, and they cover various aspects regarding the manner in which a faithful and steadfast Muslim leads his or her life. Learn More about Islam from Quran tutor online

The first pillar of Islam is Tawhid or Tauheed. This incorporates the belief in the Oneness of Allah and that declaration that Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) was His last Messenger. By declaring Tawhid, a Muslim declares that he knows all the qualities of Allah and knows that there is no one other than Him. He does not have an association with anyone else and no one can be associated with Allah. Allah has no partners, no sons and has no counterpart. He is the One who created the world, the heavens and the earth. He is the one to pray to, He is most Merciful and Graceful.

Tawhid has two parts. The first creates a link between Allah and His believer. In this manner, the believer is assured that there is only one Allah and no man can declare himself to be Most Supreme. Therefore, no other person can ask for obedience or submission. The second part links the believer with Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w). This also reminds the believer that Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) was the last Messenger. Since it represents the final will of Allah, it represents Islam as the final religion which has a universal ideology. Not only did the Prophet (s.a.w) spread the message of Allah directly, he incorporated Allah's commands into his daily life.

The second pillar of Islam is Salat. This pillar enforces the importance of prayer in a Muslims life. After believing in Allah, prayer is the most important act in Islam and holds a lot of credit. The Quran stresses the importance of prayers by saying, “And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity.” (2:43), (2:110) Salat is prayer which a Muslim is required to offer five times a day. This is a means of communication with Allah through which a Muslim can declare his thankfulness and pray to him in all circumstances. It also helps in maintaining mental, physical and spiritual purity. The five prayers of the day represent the five phases of the day and the respective prayers have to be said within the respective phase of the day. Physical movement encourages allows the body some exercise and the recitation of portions of the Quran during prayer help in communicating with Allah. As long as one has performed the ablution, prayers can be said anywhere as long as the believer is facing the qibla (towards the Ka'bah).

Not only does prayer in congregation give a feeling of solidarity and unity with no economic or social barriers dividing the devout, it also dispels the concept of hierarchy since any Muslim from amongst them can lead the prayers as the imaam, provided that chosen Muslim is knowledgeable and is well equipped with all the tools of Islam. Women can lead prayers too but they can only do that in a female-only congregation.

The third pillar of Islam is Sawm. Sawn means to fast. During the month of Ramazan, all Muslims fast from dusk till dawn, not eating or drinking anything. The aspects that Sawn incorporates are those of patience, self-discipline, purity and awareness of others. The Quran says, “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint.” (2:183) When one gives up his or her basic needs, this automatically makes a believer revert to Allah and strengthen his or her belief in Him. It makes one aware of the suffering that the poor, the hungry and the needy go through everyday just to eat. Not only do Muslims come together to break the fast, they also come together to pray. This month encourages thoughtfulness and outside of this month, voluntary fasts can also be kept.

Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam that revolves around the concept of charity. Charity is encouraged in Islam because it leads to economic and social welfare, and also leads to elevation of mankind in the eyes of Allah. Charity aims to reduce the income inequalities by distributing some of that income amongst the poor and the needy. Charity also encourages Muslims to be kind, thoughtful and generous instead of being greedy and selfish. The total value of one's income and gold should exceed and certain limit to enable him or her to pay zakat and from that, 2.5% should be given as charity. Allah has ordered zakat to be paid as is said in the Quran, “Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer (the funds), and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and for those in debt, and in the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer; (thus is it) ordained by Allah. Allah is the Knower, the Wise.” (9:60)

The last pillar of Islam is Hajj, which is the pilgrimage to the house of Allah. It is required to be done in Islam by those who can do it, “In it are clear signs, the standing place of Abraham, and whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it.” (3:97). Muslims from all over the world come to Makkah. Being in the house of Allah, one is more devoted and faithful to Allah. As congregational prayers reflect local unity, this one place of getting together represents the spirit of universal brotherhood that is encouraged in Islam. It is the ideal place to seek peace and refuge. Everyone should perform hajj at least once in their life apart from those who are physically, mentally of financially unable to do so. The ending of the pilgrimage is a strong reminder of the fact that they will all return to Allah on the Day of Judgment. Learn the Basics of Quran from Online Quran Teacher


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